Archive for the ‘Health Articles’ Category
Welcome to Pure Chiropractic's Health Articles Archive. Here you can learn more about Pure Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Ted Smith, today's choice for Chiropractors in Eatonton, GA and Milledgeville, GA. Read Dr. Ted Smith's Chiropractic Health Articles for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 706-485-1010 in Eatonton or 478-457-0003 in Milledgeville.
by Dr. Ted Smith | Jun 18, 2020 | Health Articles

With the ever growing phenomenon of labels, many children are being labeled simply as autistic and then given the traditional series of medications and therapies. Help is near due to recent research studies conducted to help our children who may be effected strive for healthier happier lives.
In an important study, listed on the website, ...
by Dr. Ted Smith | Jun 11, 2020 | Health Articles

What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down in a dark room? Pop a pill and hope the pain goes away?
We all recognize this old saying. If we don't listen to our body, it cries louder AND LOUDER! Until we finally listen ...
by Dr. Ted Smith | Jun 4, 2020 | Health Articles

As more and more of you find yourself outside doing physical activities, it is important to make sure that your body is in the best position to take advantage of all your hard work. Whether you are running as a sport, hiking, cycling or simply going for a walk, you need to appreciate the importance of ...
by Dr. Ted Smith | May 28, 2020 | Health Articles

Click, click, click. Nowadays you are unable to turn on the television without a commercial appearing, for some new pharmaceutical drug that will cure whatever condition or disease that your body maybe suffering from at the moment. Drug manufacturers commonly advertise on television and in various other media to encourage people to “Ask your doctor if ...
by Dr. Ted Smith | May 21, 2020 | Health Articles

An optimal spine equals optimal health with your posture being the window to you spine, but that’s not all…A new study has revealed that good posture also gives you more confidence in your own thoughts.
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Researchers have concluded that people sitting up straight think more positively about themselves, and are more likely to have confidence ...
by Dr. Ted Smith | May 14, 2020 | Health Articles

Every step you take and every move you make can be exhaustively painful if you suffer with pain especially in the foot or heel. This discomfort can be caused by many different types of ligament inflammations. However, plantar fasciitis can cause more inconvenience than most. This is due to the fact that the ligament is ...